Thursday 29 March 2012


I haven't really done much outside lately. Repotting a few things and planted some stuff along the new fence. I'm waiting now for the weather to get to the point where the frost is not a threat and then I can plant out tropicals. Thought I would post a few pics of how things are looking at the moment.

Friday 23 March 2012

New fence

Our new fence was put up yesterday and the improvement is 100%! It really makes the garden look nicer and will last a long time. Now I can get the things in down that side that have been waiting in their pots. So I will be busy again for a few days. I got my tropicals repotted and moved into the greenhouse where they will stay until I can be sure there won't be any frost. My grape hyacinths have been blooming for about a week and some of my tulips are starting to open. My magnolia is also on the verge of blooming. I decided to shift things around on the patio as well and have turned the bench toward the pond instead of the house. It will also look out over the tropical area when that gets planted out. Some of the seeds I planted are sprouting in the greenhouse so checking those every day to see what's popped up. It's just ALL growing now!!

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Ponds and seeds

Well, I have slowed down a little bit since I did down the side if the driveway. Last Sunday I got my largest water garden planted. I had all the plants stored over winter in the bottom of the pond just in some pots of gravel. They seemed to overwinter ok and it saved some space so I guess that's the way to go. I need a few more plants for the other pots now. I'd like a miniature cattail and something that flowers so I need to do some research. I have my papyrus but can't put it out until the risk of frost is gone. The large one has a water iris, a mini water lily, and water forget-me-not. I'm thinking 2 plants in the medium one and 1 in the small. Most of my seeds have gone in now as well. I did the veg and herbs on Monday and the flowering and exotic ones today. I still have a few bits to go in but again I have nearly used all my compost! That's over 600 ltrs so far and it's still early!! I'll have to keep track of what I've planted and how it does. We are getting the fence done on the 22nd so I won't do anything on that side until that's finished. I'm glad it's finally going in as I've got quite a few bits that have been waiting to be planted. I hate when you can't do something because you have to wait on something else. Frustration!

Thursday 8 March 2012

Down the driveway

Another nice day outside and more work done. I finally got around to planting all the things I got for my driveway bed. 30 plants of varying sizes. I dug in some compost, sand, and some fish, blood, and bone into the planting holes to loosen up the heavy soil and give them a good start. I planted ferns, foxgloves, lupins, clematis, a mock orange, a Christmas box, a rose, and a few other bits. There's still a section near the garage that needs some plants so I'll have a look around and see what I have that needs a home. I also planted a jasmine which needs something to climb up. So there's still some tweaking to do but at least the plants are in. I still have quite a few other plants around the garden that need to go in. I've been waiting on those part
ly because we need a new fence but it's looking like I'm going to have to get the plants in and when they come and do the fence I hope they have enough sense not to trample on everything and wreck it!! Now that that's done I can get some seeds started in the greenhouse.

Wednesday 7 March 2012


Well, today is wet, windy, and cold so not much will be going on outside! Yesterday was lovely and sunny out with quite a sharp breeze but the sun sure felt good!! The mailman caught me sitting at my table in the sun trying to wake up but he had the strawberry plants I ordered from e-bay!£9 for 15 bare root plants, 3 different varieties, early mid and late season. I put them in 3 large pots and covered with a layer of grit to hopefully prevent the vine weevil from getting in them and destroying them like they did the last time! Plus it will keep them looking more tidy and keep the mud off the fruit.
I am thinking of getting 10 more plants of an everbearing variety to stretch things out somewhat. Then I will have 4 types and can decide which ones are the best for production and taste. The other project I had a go at was getting the rest of the gravel up from the bed beside the garage. Chris had used most of it already for the concrete repair so there wasn't as much for me to move. I just dumped what there was down between the 2 greenhouses. I used up the bag of peat free compost to supplement the soil and now need some sand to try and lighten up the really heavy clay that we have. I will try and do that in sections and plant as I go. Once I get that done I will be fairly happy. Now I need to get some of these seeds started!

Sunday 4 March 2012

The good part

Oh it's nice to finally be able to see what all my hard work has been for! Knowing that the weather was going to go down hill a bit on Sunday I managed to get most of the patio and Mediterranean sections sorted. I am pleased with it for the time being. The backbone is in anyway. Hubby helped out by pressure washing the driveway off so that saves me a big job and some time. Part of my order came from Crocus came that morning too!! 2 clematis, a Christmas box, and a mock orange. Most of them have spaces where I want them but I'm good at changing my mind! Now I need to get the driveway bed prepared and sow some seeds!! Just have NOT had the time until now.

Friday 2 March 2012

More tidying

Another hard day of work outside. Today I sorted down the side of the garage, which is going to be my Mediterranean section. I moved my red Japanese maple up by the patio doors, root pruned and repotted my bay tree and rosemary, and divided my feather reed grass. I shifted most of the plants as well as my bench and table. Now its just a matter of getting it all arranged so it looks right. I am sure glad I only have to do this job one time a year! It's hard work but satisfying.