Wednesday 14 March 2012

Ponds and seeds

Well, I have slowed down a little bit since I did down the side if the driveway. Last Sunday I got my largest water garden planted. I had all the plants stored over winter in the bottom of the pond just in some pots of gravel. They seemed to overwinter ok and it saved some space so I guess that's the way to go. I need a few more plants for the other pots now. I'd like a miniature cattail and something that flowers so I need to do some research. I have my papyrus but can't put it out until the risk of frost is gone. The large one has a water iris, a mini water lily, and water forget-me-not. I'm thinking 2 plants in the medium one and 1 in the small. Most of my seeds have gone in now as well. I did the veg and herbs on Monday and the flowering and exotic ones today. I still have a few bits to go in but again I have nearly used all my compost! That's over 600 ltrs so far and it's still early!! I'll have to keep track of what I've planted and how it does. We are getting the fence done on the 22nd so I won't do anything on that side until that's finished. I'm glad it's finally going in as I've got quite a few bits that have been waiting to be planted. I hate when you can't do something because you have to wait on something else. Frustration!

1 comment:

  1. You have been ever so busy Catz ,when can we see some more photos?
